Joining Dueling Modems |
Rates & BillingsThe basic subscription rate for Dueling Modems is $6.95/month or $69.50/year. Each month's subscription fee will be applied towards usage in the following month. As an incentive, DM offers the first month free of charge. Accordingly, for subscribers who sign up during October, your first billing date will be somewhere around November 20, and will cover December's usage. Subscribers who join in November will see their first bills near the end of December, and so on.
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Accessing DMAccess to DM will be via Internet protocols only. DM will not provide direct dial-up access. DM's bulletin board-style Discussion Groups can be accessed using either a web browser or an NNTP newsreader that supports user authentication (more information on the Discussion Groups). DM & the Old GenieAs stated above, many of our content providers also ran areas on old Genie. We all fully intended to continue supporting those areas as long as Genie itself remained in operation and wanted our participation. Clearly, though, the Internet is the "wave of the future" for online services. There will be things that we want to do, that we can only do here on the net. Please understand: we did not leave old Genie, it was shut down. While we didn't wish to go into competition with ourselves, we wanted to be able to guarantee our communities that there will always be a home, somewhere online. Additionally, we wanted to be able to take advantage of the possibilities of being on the net. In an ideal world, we would have used the two service locations to complement each other; however, as many of us know, that was not to be. We deeply and sincerely hoped that the old Genie would have been updated and allowed to prosper and continue to grow, so as to provide as much online versatility as possible for members of the Genie communities. That said, the old Genie still lives on here as long as the communities want it to. DM General PoliciesFull details of DM's policies can be found in the Terms and Conditions Agreement. In general... From an Internet perspective, please consider DM's Discussion Groups to be moderated newsgroups. As such, we will try to maintain whatever degree of sanity and safety the community itself decides is appropriate. So, we will be doing a nominal amount of "topic copping." However, we're very much aware that this is not the old Genie, and that we're bound only by our own opinions and respect for the community proper. So, the policing here will be very limited in nature. Specifically: Content and usage will be restricted in the following manners: General - Dueling Modems is a closed, commercial online environment. As such, there are no First Amendment guarantees extended to the membership. Notwithstanding that, however, DM supports complete freedom of expression as much as is possible in such an environment. DM acknowledges that online communities establish their own language and behavior standards. Forum sysops will monitor their Forums and establish guidelines acceptable to the overall community they administer. DM management will support whatever guidelines the sysops establish for their areas, providing it is clearly understood that such guidelines apply only to that area.